Free Roadside Assistance



Don’t get stuck without our 24/7 roadside assistance. Canadian Auto/Napa Auto Care Centre in St Albert is committed to keeping you on the move. When you want protection for your vehicle, nothing less than the ULTIMATE will do. You want the best protection and outstanding service from a seasoned provider who will be there when you really need them. That’s why so many customers go with Global Vehicle roadside assistance.

Our new roadside assistance program takes our 35 years of innovation, expertise, and service to give you that stress-free driving experience. Available in Canada and the continental U.S.A.

Global Roadside includes:

  • 24 Hour Emergency Towing Service
  • 24 Hour Emergency Roadside Service
  • 24 Hour Emergency Fluid and Fuel Delivery
  • 24 Hour Battery Boost Assistance
  • 24 Hour Lockout Service

 The following are covered emergency roadside assistance services:

  • TOWING ASSISTANCE: Up to twenty-four (24) kilometers at not out of pocket expense to You. A charge per kilometer will be applied by the service facility to any additional mileage that exceeds Your coverage and will be negotiated prior to sending out a service vehicle. Additional mileage is to be paid by You directly to the service provider at the time of service.
  • BATTERY SERVICE: If a battery failure occurs, a jump-start will be applied to start your Registered Vehicle.
  • FLAT TIRE ASSISTANCE: If You get a flat tire, Your Covered Vehicle’s spare tire will be installed, if it’s inflated and serviceable.
  • DELIVERY SERVICE: Including gasoline, water, oil, or any supplies necessary to send Your Covered Vehicle on its way. You are responsible for the actual cost of fluid and/or supplies delivered at the time of delivery.
  • LOCK OUT ASSISTANCE: If your keys are locked inside of the Registered Vehicle, we will aid in gaining entry to the Registered Vehicle’s passenger compartment only.

EMERGENCY ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE is available throughout Canada, twenty-four (24) hours a day, three hundred sixty-five (365) days a year. When calling for towing or road service you must call (855) 641-7854, and a service vehicle will be dispatched to your assistance. You will be required to give the representative assisting you the following information: Producer Code 151078, your Member Number which is located on the Product and Coverage Confirmation.

(PLEASE NOTE: ASSISTANCE OBTAINED THROUGH ANY SOURCE OTHER THAN NSD GLOBAL, LLC IS NOT COVERED AND IS NOT REIMBURSABLE.) Only one (1) disablement for the same cause during any seven (7) day period will be accepted.

IMPORTANT: You must be with your vehicle when the service provider arrives, as they cannot service an unattended vehicle. Service provided must be a covered benefit under the terms and conditions described.

Note: Coverage is extended to the Registered Vehicle only. Registered Vehicle is defined as that specific vehicle indicated on the vehicle service contract or limited warranty (“Contract”) and registered with NSD Global, LLC for coverage. Roadside Assistance benefits are only available to you during the term of this Contract. Within this Emergency Roadside Assistance section only, any reference to “We, Us, or Our” means NSD Global, LLC.

For towing or road service you must call toll free: 1-855-641-7854

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